
How to add team member

Estimated reading: 1 minute 123 views

To add a team member, follow these simple steps:


Step 1: Click the “settings” icon



Step 2: Next, click “Team” and “Add “Team member”



Step 3: Fill the details of your new team member in the pop-up and click “Save”



Congratulations! Your Team member has been added to your organization.


To add a team member to a workspace, follow these simple steps:


Step 1: Click on “Edit”




Step 2: Click “Add user to workspace” in front of the workspace you want to add your team member to.



Step 3: Select the role you want to assign to your team member. “Editor” or “Admin”



Your team member is now added to your workspace and an email invite with login access has been sent to your team member to join.